Why you should prioritise Organic Gardening for the environment and your health

Did you know that some common gardening practices might be causing more harm than good? Using chemical fertilisers, herbicides, and pesticides may be introducing harmful toxins and chemicals into your garden, which can have negative effects on the environment and potentially your health. But don't worry, there's a better way.

Organic gardening is a natural and regenerative approach to gardening that can help reduce your environmental impact and improve your overall health. By prioritising soil health and biodiversity, you can create a thriving garden that's beautiful, eco-friendly and good for your health. As gardening experts who are passionate about natural and regenerative practices, we want to share with you why you should prioritise organic gardening in your home.

What is Organic Gardening?

Organic gardening is a holistic approach to growing plants that promotes soil health and biodiversity. It involves the use of natural materials and methods to support plant growth and control pests and disease, rather than relying on chemical fertilisers, herbicides, and pesticides.

Organic Gardening for Healthy Soils

The foundation of organic gardening is healthy soil. Organic gardeners focus on building up soil fertility through the use of natural and organic-based fertilisers such as liquid feeds, organic pellets, manures, and compost. While we are not opposed to synthetic fertilisers, we tend to favour organic-based gardening here at Botanical Built. Using organic-based materials and products in your garden is crucial for microbial activity in your soil. These microbes play a vital role in breaking down organic matter and releasing nutrients for your plants to absorb. By feeding the microbes, you are indirectly feeding your plants. This results in improved soil fertility, soil structure and water-holding capacity, which in turn leads to healthier and stronger plants! Unfortunately, synthetic fertilisers do not have the same amazing effects on soil microbes as organic-based inputs do.

Organic Gardening for Biodiversity

In addition to building healthy soil, organic gardening focuses on promoting biodiversity in the garden. By planting a diverse range of plants, organic gardeners create a habitat for beneficial insects and pollinators to thrive. This includes planting trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs, and vegetables that attract different types of insects and pollinators. By doing so, organic gardeners create a balance in the garden that discourages destructive pests and diseases. The need for harmful chemical pesticides is then reduced, leading to a healthier garden and a safer environment for you to enjoy.

Organic Gardening for Healthy Food

Organic gardening produces healthier and more nutritious food. Studies have shown that organic produce can have higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than conventionally grown produce. Plus, many people find that the taste of organic produce is superior to conventionally grown produce, as it often has a fresher and more complex flavour profile. Growing fruits and vegetables without chemical pesticides and fertilisers means you also don't have to worry about toxic residues on your produce and lingering in your soils. By growing your own organic food, you can enjoy the benefits of healthy, tasty, and safe produce while reducing your environmental impact.

Getting Started with Organic Gardening

If you're ready to try organic gardening, it's easy to get started! Consider planting native species and pest-resistant varieties and try companion planting your veggies to improve plant health and deter pests. When it comes to fertilisers and pest control, look for organic options such as organic liquid feeds, organic pellets, compost, mulch, and natural pest repellents.

If you need more guidance, book a free 20-minute consult with one of our expert team members here at Botanical Built. Our 20-minute garden walk-through will help you establish the best way to implement organic gardening in your home.

Overall, organic gardening is a natural and regenerative way to grow plants. It promotes healthy soil, biodiversity, and ecological balance, which in turn can lead to healthier plants, a healthy home and a healthy you. And if you need any help along the way, our team at Botanical Built are here to support you.